Project Fibonacci teamed with Community Bank and ANDRO Computational Solutions to host a two-day science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) program at The Beeches on Tuesday and Wednesday.
The focus of the program was drones, also called unmanned aerial systems.
Rome Mayor Jacqueline M. Izzo and Assemblyman Anthony J. Brindisi, D-119, Utica, welcomed students from nine high schools.
The students joined teachers to work in small groups, and used a variety of programmable drones to explore their use involving real-world challenges.
The teachers joined experts in the drone technology field to enhance learning activities and help the students find a competitive edge in the global economy.
During the program students met with local businesses and a representative from Mohawk Valley Community College.
The meeting provided a chance to see educational and employment opportunities in the Rome area.
Participating schools included Adirondack, Camden, Holland Patent, Morrisville-Eaton, Oriskany, Rome Free Academy, Vernon-Verona-Sherrill, Westmoreland and Whitesboro.
Participating businesses included AIS, ANDRO Computational Solutions, Harris Corp., NUAIR and Quanterion.