The Project Fibonacci Foundation, Inc. would like to extend our many thanks to SRC, Inc. for awarding a STEM Grant of $500 to FTC Team 15651, Lord of the Pings. Their contribution will help the team significantly as they continue to design and build their robot to compete in upcoming challenges.

SRC, Inc. is a not-for-profit research and development (R&D) company committed to redefining possible(R) in the areas of defense, environment and intelligence. They believe that STEM education is vital to the future of their company, community, and country; and are proud to support a number of initiatives to build a strong pipeline of American students capable of tackling our nation’s future challenges.

For more information about SRC, Inc., visit their website here.

To learn how you can help Lord of the Pings, FTC Team 15651, contact us at 

Full STEAM Ahead!

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