Donating is the greatest way you can impact the Project Fibonacci® Foundation and ensure its continued success and growth. The Project Fibonacci Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
All donations are fully tax-deductible and non-refundable.
Donors will acknowledgement letter confirming their contribution for tax purposes.

1. Please click here to access our secure PayPal donation page
2. Enter your gift amount
3. Submit!
For questions regarding credit card transactions, please call Amy Singletary at (315) 334-1163 ext. 120

Please make checks payable to The Project Fibonacci Foundation, Inc. and send to:
The Project Fibonacci Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 424
Rome, NY 13442-0424
*The memo field may be used to designate donations for Adopt-A-Scholar or General Fund use. Donations not designated for Adopt-A-Scholar will be used for the General Fund.