MacArthur Student Attends STEAM Conference

This summer, Taylor Cooleen (Class of 2017), attended the first annual Project Fibonacci – STEAM Youth Conference. The event was held in Rome, NY and featured various speakers and events revolving around the Fibonacci sequence. Speakers such as Alan Alda, Alan Bean, Chris Hadfield, and many others gave interesting keynote speeches regarding cosmology, psychology, string…

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Rome tech firm bringing in popular speakers for conference

Former astronaut Alan Bean. Neuroscientist David Eagleman. Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson. Bill Nye the Science Guy. Former astronaut Alan Bean. Neuroscientist David Eagleman. Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson. Bill Nye the Science Guy. Rome tech company ANDRO Computational Solutions has those four lined up as keynote speakers at a week-long student conference it’s planning for this…

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Andro Seeking Expansion

Andro provides a number of services for defense and security, but their mission is also to create as many opportunities as they can to include Mohawk Valley residents to be apart of this growing field. Located in the Beeches Professional complex in Rome, Andro is in the process of developing a program designed to draw…

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